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Like Microsoft's AutoComplete, LetMeType automatically enter the text helps.


"Microsoft's AutoComplete, automatic LetMeType enter text to be like."
Microsoft AutoComplete LetMeType, but to use as a standalone program, such as Enter the text helps. In the background, what kind of this analysis are published. Collected enough information to guess a word after a while after the first two or three letters typed. The most probable words is displayed and a list with a single key, or you can choose to write more.
Enter text into the program LetMeType independent works - be it a word processor, a development environment or a dialog box field editor.
Western languages and mixed-language environment for arbitrary LetMeType even be used. Long words or phrases often works best for it is written. Therefore, the best software developers and technical terms that are suitable for most users. (This person will not only find useful does not mean to write informal e-mail.)
Highly customizable LetMeType behavior. You can set the maximum number of suggestions and frequency. Other recommendations may increase the number gradually keyboard for talented artists with long-word proposal to restrict a high probability, it is possible. Unobtrusiveness is important for both groups. Window is displayed and contains recommendations to be quickly removed and may always be ignored and continue typing.
There are two other important aspects of privacy and security. LetMeType only stores single words, but continuous text. Also entered into other programs, passwords safe way to avoid being monitored and stored by LetMeType. Now you can download free LetMeType 1.81.

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